Monday, May 23, 2011


May 19,2011

Every night when we look into sky if its not raining and no clouds that covering on it. We can see stars. Millions of stars. Some are so bright and some are faint is one of a class of self-luminous celestial bodies, exclusive of comets, meteors and nebulae but including the sun. If we talk about self-luminous, it means that star has its own nature that can emit light and heat by its own.

As written in Science and Technology by Oxford University (1993), A star shines because nuclear energy is given off hydrogen gas particles crash into each other in the center of the star. Scientist call it as nuclear fusion.

Yes, we all know that sun is one of the stars that we see every time night is controlling our place. Sun is a star biggest and brightest because it is very close to earth.

A Chinese has its own folktale about stars. This folktale is written by Cindy Chang. As summarized by the Elements of Literature published in 2000, This ancient folktale tells of seven beautiful maidens who have daily task of weaving the tapestry of the night sky. Each new day arrives when the suns ray melt the tapestry. One day the sister fell their jars at a silver pond at the end of the rainbow, Chang, a cowherd, sees them and falls in love to the youngest, Mei. As instructed by a magpie in his dream, Chang hides the Mei's magical robes, so she unable return to the sky. Instead she fall in love to Chang. The next day, the sun refuses to move across the sky, Mei realize that sun is angry to her; she must return to her weaving so night can fall. Separated from Chang, Mei weeps, and her teas form the stars of the Milky Way. In another dream, Chang learns how to reached Mei. Once a year, a flock of magpie's form a bridge across the Milky Way so that two lovers can be together for a single night.

This story is a very romantic and magical that heaven and earth is not a hindrance for the love they felt for each other. But, have you heard another story why there are stars in sky? Let see if where of the two stories will you believe.

Once a upon a time, God is sitting in Heaven and thinking so hard. He is thinking where will he put the spirit of the animals every time they die because if human dies their spirit will go to heaven so how about the animals which he also made. So God asks to the Angels and one the smartest angel said that when night falls it is very dark and so it is better that the spirit of the animals that dies will go to the sky and brighten the night. Another angel asked, so what will we called them? The smartest answered, "stars" from the word "staring". As people staring them at night. So, God at last happy and agreed on that idea. This is story written by Morgan Faris Novak of Loggers Run Community Middle School at Florida.

I really love that story, its for children. Well, all of us has a chance to used our wild imagination and think more stories about stars. But the question is, where really stars from?

For me, the things I believed most, the stars are made by God. According to the bible in King James version found in Genesis 1 verse 16, "And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.

1 comment:

  1. I decided to google my story I wrote many years ago, curious to see what would come up. This story brings back many memories and I'm happy you like it
