Saturday, April 7, 2018

ALS Mobile Teacher: a missionary work

It's been a while when I haven't opened this site of mine. There are a lot of things happened and changes in my environment. I am not just focused in my course only but I am still on development practitioners with the use of media through educating people.
I am now in Alternative Learning System, the Non-formal education of the Philippines which is the other side of formal school which the life blood of education for all.

We immerged our selves in the community and conduct Mapping but ofcourse, we always have courtesy call first of our politicians as they will help us in the success
@ Mapantao CLC 2018 newnewly opened
@ Potaon CLC 
@Ilokanohan CLC

@ Canituan @Kibaning @ Potaon @ Ilokanohan

There will be or no supports the program will still be in action as we are in the department of Education. ALS work is unlike in the formal school.Its like a mission that you are not afraid to use your own money, give your own time and effort for your learners.

Every time i will go to my areas I will prepare my backpacks that is loaded with module, envelop, pencil, pen,paper, IMs, laptop, emergency kit and other. I will carry it toto my classroom or Community Learning Centers

Speaking of Community Learning Centers unlike in formal school we must be prepared of wherever we will be because we don't have own one.We are just letting in and used it for our discussion. II will not complain but again I promise to myself if ever there will be CLC I will make some Structuring using my own pocket even because ALS has no own budget.

Painting of Madrasa building of ALS Learners for better learning environment

Cabasaran Residence @ Potaon CLc painting of ALS learners 

These two areas are my farthest areas, at Mapantao 21km and @ Potaon with 25 kilometers. Mostly of them are our brother and sisters Muslims. And mostly enrolled in Basic LiteracyLiteracy Program more on reading.

I know I will faceface more challenges along the way but thanks God. I know He will not forsake me .

Supports from our stakeholders are highly appreciated. I know I cannot make it in my own.

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