Monday, December 27, 2010

one decision...

Emano decided to join CEGP

by: herself

A young lady, Earl May Emano decided to join CEGP. At first she thought it was wrong to join that kind of organization because in her mind CEGP is anti govt they cant help people but she was mistaken.

One day, Earl talked to her father that somebody recruits her to attend CEGP but she didn't accept the invitation. Her father scolded her, nganong wala ka nag apil ana nga aron ma exercise unta nimo imong pagkaournalist, walay pulos ang ninyong gakaton-an if wala mo kahibalo sa mga panghitabo and wala my gakabuhat ana and she told her father ngek!!! kahadlok ra mag apil nag anti man na sa government. Her father added nganong mahadlok man ka nga kana man jud nang trabaho sa media kutio-on ang dili maayo, unsaon nalang pagprogreso sa atong nasod ana if wlay maglihok. The young lady said, unsaon nalang nato pagprogreso if sige lang tan awon nato ang mali sa gobyerno??? His dad continue, mao gani ang media gihatagan og rights of epression,unsa diay na imong trabaho??? and her sister added, ayaw nagmakig away ana niya (earl) oi kay diri lang baya n xa sa bukid di man siya magsulat2x daah.....

That moment Earl analyzed the words of her father , how can she apply everything that she studied if she will be just in a's time to used what she have learned inside the school. By that time, she realized that her father was right, how can we have a change and development if we just fasten in our sit. It was her duty, development Communication is her course and so she must have that perspective to write for the good of people. She is thinking that she... is the catalyst for change. This would be happened by the use of writing. So, Emano decided to join CEGP.

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